3 – Children & Teens

MomHi! Welcome to the Testimonial page for Children & Teens. I am looking forward to working for your loved ones! 


Mariko Sato RN BSN

Disclaimer: I, Mariko Sato, do not diagnose, treat, cure, promise to cure, or prevent any mental or medical illness. The content of this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, promise to cure, or prevent any mental or medical illness and it has not been evaluated by the FDA.  The testimonials in this website apply only to those who wrote them.  If you have any medical or mental issues, please contact appropriate physicians and professional counselors or go to the emergency department immediately. Please, call 911 if you have any medical or mental

Anger, Dishonesty, Addiction… 14 yr-old  —- Idaho —-

Our teenager was angry and belligerent and struggling with addiction to pornography. After one session with Mariko, my husband said, “I’ve received more hugs in last two days than in last few years.” After removing his Heart Wall, we noticed that he was more quick to apologize and more open to affection from his family. He also wasn’t seeking out pornography. Things have improved so much! The work Mariko Does is a blessing and a miracle!

Attention problems & Hyperactivity, age 6 –UT–

Only one of my 5 children have been diagnosed with ADHD.  He is 6 years old. I speak as someone who has had a son on Ritalin, behavior modification therapy, counselling, you name it, we tried it. Two years ago my son was respectfully kicked out of 2 pre-schools.  His inability to sit still was something no one wanted to deal with. Then when he began kindergarten last year, it became so traumatic, he began to bite his finger nails to the stubs. He wouldn’t eat, let alone take medication.  He wasn’t sleeping, he even stopped using the bathroom. Finally I withdrew him from school. I tried private tutoring. The tutor would follow him around and teach him.  About two weeks ago, I was introduced to Mariko. I thought “It can’t hurt”.    The next day after the proxy session with Mariko, my son sat at a table and ate.  He then colored for over an hour, also at the table, he wrote me notes on paper, he spoke to me about his adventures swimming, none of which he has ever done before. I cannot deny what has occurred. He now has an appetite, sleeps through the night, and hasn’t bitten his nails in 5 days. Mariko, thank you, thank you, thank you!  —————————————Update (5 months later)—————He’s been back to school. He is in a regular class. He plays with children his age. — H.S. —

Anger, age 8 –UT–

Girls on Desk Looking at NotebookMy 8 years old has an anger problem. When she is upset she has explosions, yells at people, and breaks things.  Before she had the session with Mariko she said that her angry feelings were 9 out of 10. 

Several days after the session she had experienced a situation where she could have gotten really upset….Her father brought home a small desk for the girls to use in their bedroom and asked her to go in and clean her room and make a space for the desk to go. Her older sister came in to help a little while later, and they got into an argument about whose desk it was. She was saying that dad said it’s her desk and her older sister was saying no dad said it’s our desk.  So she was really upset but she told dad, “I’m sorry it was my fault because dad didn’t clarify whose it was so I just assumed but I’m ok with sharing it.” Amazing, truly amazing!  She usually never lets things settle so easily.          — Utah —

Stomachache, 8 years old –UT–

Kid's Plating Water on Grass Field during DaytimeMy son had an ongoing stomachache that would come and go for about a month. I’ve taken him to the doctor but nothing was remarkable. At first, I thought it was food allergy but his stomachache was due to trapped emotions. He had a proxy session with Mariko and spoke to her over the phone. I could tell that his pain was being relieved. Mariko spoke to me after his stomach pain went away about one of the issues that was causing his stomach pain. I was very surprised, because my son brought up the same thing 2 days ago. I am so grateful that he no longer has stomach pain!                 —- S.S. —-

Fatigue, Seasonal allergies, and also 9 yr-old grand son’s emotional issues. (Session & Reinforcement) –UT–

beautiful, blooming, blossomI came to see Mariko for fatigue. She worked with me and found that much of it was due to seasonal allergies, and the new carpet we had installed a few months ago. She cleared all the emotional issues involved and she worked on the Enforcement to clear the allergies. Before, I was constantly tired throughout the day. After the sessions I have had more energy and have been sleeping better than ever! She is amazing with her intuition as to what the body needs. She has also worked with my 9 yr old grandson on emotional issues and it has been a tremendous help for him. I highly recommend her!                            —- K.M. —-

Knee Pain, Weakness, and Falls. –UT–

Baby Wearing Pink Crew Neck Cap Sleeve Shirt Between 2 Person Standing during DaytimeMy daughter had terrible knee pain that did not go away. Mariko figured out that one of the main causes was her allergy intolerance for caffeine. She eats a piece of chocolate every day for dessert. My Daughter received Proxy Treatment, which was over the phone. She was cuddled next to me on the couch not moving due to pain. All of a sudden, she got up and started moving around, walking around. Then I received a text from Mariko that the treatment is done at the same time she got up!! I asked my daughter how her knees were feeling. She said it does not hurt anymore.

A couple of months later, I bought a treadmill and let my kids have a try. My son could run on it just fine, but my daughter could not jog slowly on a treadmill for longer than 5 seconds without falling over! She had balance issues and it scared me! It was also mentioned by her teacher that she was having frequent falls at school. I had Mariko work on her by proxy over the phone. Her imbalance was caused by a number of things she has been eating. We had to avoid some of the food during the Allergy Elimination and Follow-up Reinforcements. It’s been about 2 weeks since the Allergy Elimination sessions and she can run on the treadmill just like her brother. She can keep her balance!!! WOW!!!           —- S.S.—-

FEAR, Stomach Pain… 4 years old  –UT —

Girl Holding White Rabbit during DaytimeMy husband and I took out 4-year-old daughter to Mariko because she seemed to be so afraid. She was afraid of potty training, animals that aren’t dogs or cats, anything new, the vacuum, sitting in a different chair, touching animals that aren’t dogs or cats, touching the same ground animals that aren’t dogs or cats touch, having someone else at the store purchase something she wants to purchase but has to wait until she earns enough money, getting her hair combed, all movies that don’t star Clifford the Big Red Dog, etc. It was very sad and difficult. Most of all we wanted her to be potty trained, but as a mom, I really just didn’t want her to be so afraid all of the time.

Mariko tested her and her fear level was a 10+++, which I understand is a very high number. It made me feel so bad for a tiny human to have so much fear. During the first session it was discovered that her sharp tummy ache pains were connected to her fear. I had mentioned her tummy aches, but had been told by medical doctors and other homeopathic doctors that they were ulcers. She does seem to be a high stress child, so it made sense. But Mariko said the fear was causing her tummy aches and after the first session she experienced 2 tummy aches that lasted less than 1 minute each (before they would last up to an hour and beyond sometimes). She has had 3 sessions with Mariko as of now and has not had a tummy ache since those two tiny ones.

After the second session she went into one of those big bird cages at an interactive aquarium and, while she covered her head and cried at first, she went in on her own and stayed there without being asked! After a few minutes she uncovered her head and even looked around! I was completely shocked. At home the next day she even sat on the couch while my husband vacuumed the living room carpet. I was holding my breath while I watched, I couldn’t believe it. The last time the vacuum was on she came running to me and her little sister to warn us that dad was vacuuming and we all needed to stay clear over on the other side of the house.

Selective Focus Photography of Turtle on BenchHer fear went from a 10+++ to 0.0 and while I was listening to her third session, I got a picture text from my friend who was with her at the same interactive aquarium and she was touching a turtle (and standing where the turtle stands) and smiling!

I know that she would have eventually gotten over her fears (so to speak) and potty trained, so I am less concerned with that, I believe the real healing is with her heart and she is a happier, less concerned child now. I highly recommend Mariko for any children who are struggling with behaviors, she will be able to discover the causes and help them like she has helped my daughter!                                                                               —- K.J. —-


Woman and Child Playing in SnowMy son had an ongoing stomachache that would come and go for about a month. At first, I thought it was food allergy but his stomachache was due to trapped emotions. He had a proxy session with Mariko and spoke to her over the phone. I can tell that his pain was being relieved. When his stomach pain went away she spoke to me about one of the trapped emotions that was causing the pain. I was very surprised, because my son brought up the same thing 2 days ago. I am so grateful that he no longer has stomach pain!   — Utah —

Baby Rash –Hawaii–

Close-up of Hands Holding Baby FeetWe’ve recently had our new born. I’ve heard that baby rash is common in babies but his back was pretty bad. We tried Mariko’s service. She did some testing and found the cause.

The next day all his rashes were gone or significantly reduced!

We knew they would eventually go away but Mariko’s session helped it dissipate much quicker. It’s been 10 days since the session and his skin remains clear! Thank you !          —- A.S. —-

Runny Nose, 2 years old –UT–

My 2 years old daughter had a constant runny nose that did not go away even after the course of antibiotics. Mariko told me that she was very sensitive to corn and everything that has corn in it. I put her on strict corn free diet. Within 3 days, her runny nose cleared up completely first time after a year. She went for months without runny nose. Recently, we cheated on her diet and let her run off with a bag of chips that had corn products. Immediately that night, her nose started running again and she lost bladder control though she was fully potty trained. I finally took her to see Mariko for a NAET session. Mariko eliminated my daughter’s sensitivity for corn and 25 hours later her noses completely cleared up and she no longer needed diapers! Amazing! My daughter truly enjoyed eating corn on July 4th and she had no runny nose.      — S.S. —

Red, Swollen & Itchy Eye, Seasonal Allergy… 7 year-old –UT–

My 7 year old son suddenly started to have seasonal allergies. His eyes were red swollen and itchy and he could not bear with the symptoms. We put him on allergy medication but that did not help. Then, we put him on a different allergy medicine but that still did not work. I called my pediatrician and they said the next step would be to see an allergist and possibly get a shot. Before doing so, I had Mariko do the session for him by proxy.

Macro Photo of Bumblebees on Yellow SunflowerShe found out what was causing his eyes to swell and itch. She said that the major allergens were Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac, and the minor ones were pollen, trees, wood, grass, weed, and flowers combination with UV light and sun light. She also removed other underlying causes besides allergies. To my surprise, on the day when the 1st proxy session was done he came home from school very happy saying “My eyes got better!” They looked normal!!  After the 2nd proxy session he had been without allergy medications.

Three days later his eyes started itch again. I requested the 3rd proxy session. It was due to different pollen. The symptoms subsided soon after the proxy was done.  It took 4 cycles of treatments to eliminate my son’s allergy symptoms. Every time, I saw improvement after improvement until my son’s allergy was completely gone. It was a miraculous experience. It has now been 2 weeks since my son received treatments, and he is completely allergy free!! I am still amazed at the result. Thank you so much!!                                                        — Utah —

Vitamin D, 3 year-old –UT–

Boy Rising Up His Hand Wearing Black CapeMy 3 year old son had diarrhea and eczema for weeks. I learned from Mariko that he might have sensitivity to vitamin D. She eliminated his sensitivity.  25 hours after the session I saw normal stool for the first time in weeks! His eczema improved too.                                     — S.S. —

Heart Wall and Canker Sore, age 2

Low Section of WomanAll of a sudden, my daughter started to act up in daycare and at home. She was always in a bad mood, and she kept saying that she is a ‘bad girl’. I tried to talk to her to figure out the problem but I couldn’t get much out of a 2 year old. The session was done by proxy. Mariko found several emotional blockages and released them as well as her Heart Wall. Mariko also worked on her canker sore in her bottom lips. She had not been eating because of the pain but soon after the session she started eating as if she had no pain. The next day, my daughter had a good day at daycare, and she came home happy and is back to her happy self! thank you !                     — A.M. —

Teen, Depression 

Man Wearing Yellow Crew-neck T-shirt and Blue Denim JeansI had Mariko make a Pyramid for my nephew. He used to have dark energies that were identified and removed in the sessions. Unfortunately, they came back while he slept at night.  This happened for a couple of months. After he put the pyramid by his bed about two months ago they haven’t come back. He has also said he has been sleeping better. I really love this work and it’s blessed my family so much. I would highly recommend Mariko to anyone. She has an amazing gift of energy work.            —- Utah —-

New House, Wining, Insomnia, Poor Appetite (Session & Reinforcement)

Close-Up Photography of a BabyWe recently moved and soon after coming to our new house, our 22-month-old stopped sleeping through the night. She has been sleeping on her own, in her own “big” bed, since she was 18 months old, but recently started coming into our room each night. She wouldn’t relax to go to sleep and wakes up extra early, before 5 am each morning. She barely naps, maybe an hour, each day. There were several reasons I suspected she was doing this, obviously the move was unsettling to her, but she also is a finicky eater, often not eating much – or anything – at all. We didn’t know how to proceed, we thought we could tough it out, but then she began sleeping less and less, if this was even possible. The last straw was when she slept in her own bed until midnight and then joined us – but she didn’t fall asleep until 4:21 am! She slept until 6. She took NO nap the next day and we were truly exhausted. We texted Mariko, hoping she could squeeze us in before we endured another night like that and she did.

I try really hard to keep up with what Mariko is working on; part of what makes her so wonderful is how fast she goes! Other energy workers I’ve seen move much slower, so Mariko isn’t only great at what she does, she’s also cost-effective! She scored the two major issues I told her about: “whining through the night” and “not sleeping.” “Whining through the night” was scored as a 9/10 and “not sleeping” was scored as a 10+/10. When she began investigating the causes for the “whining,” she discovered some foods that were bothering my daughter. Along with some other things, these food sensitivities were negatively affecting her comfort during the night. She got the whining problem down to a 0/10 and moved on to “not sleeping at night,” which by then had come down to an 8/10 (I suppose some of the whining was a big contributor to not sleeping). She then named a specific recent event that was frightening for my daughter – she knew the exact day! It didn’t have to do with the move, but it happened during that time. I knew at the time the experience might have been scary for my daughter, but I didn’t know to what extent! Mariko was able to clear up these fears for my daughter. She also worked on several other factors, including some specific issues our daughter has with our new house, her sister, and cousins. Mariko tested my daughter (this was done at a distance) and discovered that she HAD been sleeping at 19%, but was READY to sleep at 80%. We would take it! Anything better than what had been happening would help. All of this happened in an hour session and my husband and I crossed our fingers and held our breath when we went to bed. Would she come in? Would she keep us awake??? We put her down for bed and went to sleep ourselves (we were exhausted). I cringed when my daughter’s tiny face appeared next to mine as she cried to come in our bed. I thought maybe the session hadn’t worked. But I was oh-Girl Sleeping With Her Brown Plush Toyso-happy when she just climbed in and went to sleep. All night long! Not waking for anything!! At one point, she whined, and I thought she would be awake for the rest of the night, I offered her a bottle, but she didn’t even hear me. She was sleeping! Some might think that maybe I was too tired to remember if she was awake or not, and my husband definitely was, but not me. I wish I was too tired to remember what happened, but as motherhood would have it, my OTHER daughter was not feeling well and climbed in bed with us. So I was awake most of the night anyway, but not with my 22-month-old. My 5-year-old kept me awake and I can tell you truthfully that my baby slept through the night! All the way until 6:45…when we Close-Up Photography of Sleeping Dogwoke up…with all four of us…and the dog… in the bed. I am looking forward to tonight when we can get some more sleep, Mariko is doing the “Enforcements” on our 22-month-old and her sleeping should improve even better than 80%!!! Dare we dream? Yes! At night! With all of us sleeping. Hopefully in our own beds…

—— ENFORCEMENT, text messages———— 
The night of the session: 
— Wonderful! She has almond milk but that’s it.☺️ 
The next day after the session
— She slept so much better! She still came into our bed and fussed a little bit but stayed asleep for the most part and slept until 6:45 (she has been waking up at 5). She didn’t even need a bottle in the night. Thank you!!!!! 
— She ate eggs, butter, blueberries, bananas, apple juice, and green vegetable powder for breakfast.
— Thank you for helping us, she even went to bed on her own tonight. She ate noodles and Ice cream and an ice cream cone, and a bite of meatloaf. And almond milk. Thank you!! 
2nd day after the session:
— She slept through the night in her own bed!!! 😀😀😀


My son’s nose got very stuffy and he could not breathe through his nose. It was caused by grass. Mariko gave him the NEAT sessions for grass and sent us home with some instructions. Within 3 days, he was able to breathe through his nose again.    

                                        — Utah —

Itchy & Puffy Eye, 7 years old 

Closeup of a bee sucking pollen on a large magenta flowerMy son woke up with very itchy and puffy red eyes one morning. I found out that he was allergic to the pollen that surrounded our house. Mariko gave my son a NEAT treatment for the pollen and sent us home with some instructions to follow. Within 25 hours, his eyes were back to normal.  — Utah —

FEEs: Please go to “Fees/PayPal” page from the menu above to find out the details about fees, business hours, and how to make appointments.

I’m looking forward to working for you and your loved ones! 


Mariko Sato RN BSN